Saturday 15 October 2016

Qatar labour law about Vocational training or apprenticeship contract

Article 11- Qatar labour law about Vocational training or apprenticeship The vocational training shall be carried out inside the establishments or in the institutes and centers which are to be designated for this purpose. The Minister shall by a decision, specify the theoretical and practical programs for the training, its maximum duration, the rules and conditions to be followed in respect thereof the method of examination and the certificates to be granted to the trainees upon completion of the training.
Article 12- Vocational training or apprenticeship for Qatari reservation 
Any employer employing fifty employees or more shall provide training on the technical works to 5% of his Qatari workers to be nominated by the Department in accordance with the training program approved by the Ministry.
Article 13 Vocational training in Qatar labour law or apprenticeship Contract and age
 The Apprentice shall contract by himself with the employer unless the age of the Apprentice is below eighteen years in which case the Apprentice shall contract through his guardian or trustee as the case may be. qatar-labour-law-about-vocational-training-or-apprenticeship-contract Article 14 Vocational training or apprenticeship and Wages or salary
 The vocational training contract shall be in writing and therein shall specify the type of the trade or craft on which the Apprenticee is to be trained, the period of the training, it’s consecutive. Stages and the wage to be paid to the apprentice provided that the wage to be paid to the apprentice in the last stage of the training shall not be less than the minimum wage prescribed for similar work. The wage of the apprentice shall not be fixed on the basis of the piece or production.
Article 15 training or apprenticeship contract and filing
The vocational training contract shall be made out in three copies, each party shall retain one copy and the third copy shall be filed with the Department for its registration and attestation within one week from the date of conclusion of the contract. If the Department does not object to the contract within ten days from the date of its being filed the contract shall be deemed to be approved from the date of its being so filed.

Article 16 Termination of Vocational training or apprenticeship in Qatar labour law

The employer may terminate the vocational training contract before its expiry date in the following instances:
  1. If it has been proved that the apprentice is not capable of learning the craft or trade.
  2. If the apprentice commits a breach of any of his essential obligations under the contract.
The apprentice, his guardian or trustee may terminate the vocational training contract at any time provided that the termination is based on legitimate grounds. The party intending to terminate the contract shall notify the other party in writing at least seven days prior to the date he fixes for the termination.
Article 17 Qatar labour law about employment after Vocational training or apprenticeship
 The parties to the vocational training contract may agree that the apprentice shall work with the employer after the expiry of the apprenticeship period

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